Buy Madden Training Points
Posted on August 07 2018
Step 1:
Determine the amount of training points you are buying and the amount of cards you will need to post on the trade block (do not click the training points yet)
660,000 Training Points: 6 Players
550,000 Training Points: 5 Players
440,000 Training Points: 4 Players
330,000 Training Points: 3 Players
220,000 Training Points: 2 Players
110,000 Training Points: 1 Player
50,000 Training Points: 1 Player
22,000 Training Points: 1 Player
10,000 Training Points: 1 Player
Step 2:
Find a worthless player in your item binder. You may need more than one player depending on the amount of training that you purchased. Please enter the PLAYER NAME - OVR - TEAM - POSITION in the order form below.
Step 3:
Post the players on the TRADE BLOCK for a time of 2 DAYS 2 HOURS and TEAM WANTED VIKINGS
Step 4:
Add the Training amount to your cart and checkout.
Step 5:
We will place offers on your players within 1-10 minutes. Accept the trades and then quicksell each card to receive your training.
Step 6:
Please come to the website chat located in the lower right hand of the site if you have any questions or need any additional help.
Buy Madden MUT 23 Training Points at Mr MUT Coin
Training pints
I would like training to beet my freinds and make them jealous with my player
i ordered mut training points. How do I get them.
Bro I need training points I’m going broke
Can I geo 1000000000 training and coins
I want 100,000 training points
I’d like some Madden training points