Golden Tickets Week 2
Posted on April 15 2020
The second round of Golden Tickets was released today by EA, featuring GT Bo Jackson, Robert Griffin III, and Cre'Von LeBlanc! Bo Jackson's latest item looks to retake one of the top HB spots in the game. RGIII's item today provides another solid mobile option at the QB position. Cre'Von LeBlanc is a bit of a surprise but will help bolster theme team secondaries for the Bears, Lions, and Eagles with all of those 99 ratings! Golden Tickets are not Power Up eligible but will allow you to select Team Chemistry based on all the teams they played for during their career. All Golden Tickets will remain in packs for the remainder of the year with an increased chance of pulling them within the first 48 hours.
- 99Â HB Bo Jackson
- 99 CB Cre'Von Blanc
- 99 QB Robert Griffen III
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